Direct Donations
The CDDP is a non-profit 501c3 organization, and as such we are able to accept cash donations that are tax deductible for you. If you would like to make a donation online, please click HERE. We also accept donations via check, simply mail your check to the school, and we will send you a receipt for your taxes. If mailing a check please be sure to mark the envelope for the Choir, Dance and Drama Parents and Friends Booster Club.
Amazon Smile
When you shop on select Marcos de Niza Choir and Drama Parents and Friends as your charitable organization and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to support the MDN CDP.
Click HERE to chose the MDN CDP and connect your account
Fry's Community Rewards Program
Fry's Food Stores Community Rewards program is easy and costs you nothing but a few minutes of your time.
Simply register your Fry’s VIP Card online at the link below. Find and click on Marcos de Niza Choir and Drama Parents and Friends, or enter our organization number: RF467
Click HERE to connect your VIP card to the MDN CDP
Resellable Merchandise
The CDP is always looking for donations of food, water and flowers to sell at our concession stand at concerts and shows. Watch for sign up forms to come out via email, or simply grab a case of water, or box if candy when you see it on sale, and we can store it for our next event. Your donations make a big difference!
Restaurant Fundraisers
Join the CDP, cast and crew after shows and concerts at local restaurants for a late bite, and the restaurant will make a donation to our organization. Also watch for other Dine Out events throughout the year to help support our programs. Check out our event calendar, or social media for dates and locations.
arizona state tax credits for public schools
The state of Arizona has a great way for you to decide where some of your tax dollars go. The AZ State Tax Credit program allows AZ tax payers to donate up to $400 per tax year to the pubic school program of their choice. Check out the image below for how to do dante to the MDN Choir, Dance, Drama or Musical Theater programs. For more information go to